

As allergen labelling is a mandatory legal requirement, fees for our services are a tax deductible business expense for food operators.

The overall cost is based on the time required to complete the analysis, which depends on a number of factors such as the number of items or dishes to be analysed, whether an allergen audit of branded ingredients used by the food operator needs to be completed, whether or not the menu will carry any health claim(s), and the number of branches/locations/franchises involved in the business.

A cost schedule will be prepared for and discussed with each individual client.

Fees are subject to VAT @ 23%.

Terms & Conditions apply, and will be included in your customised costing schedule and business proposal.

NutriCount® name and logos are registered Trademarks in the Republic of Ireland (Irish Patents Office), and are owned by Niamh O’Connor.

NutriCount® is also registered with the Companies Registration Office of Ireland (CRO registered no. 475125).