

  • Free no-obligation consultation to discuss how NutriCount™ menu analysis can increase sales and profits in your food business or restaurant
  • Menu Calorie Counts  – Menu analysis & Calorie posting in accordance with the technical guidance notes issued by The Food Safety Authority of Ireland
  • Full Nutritional Analysis & extensive Menu Labelling for restaurants and food businesses
  • Mentoring on the use of Health Claims on your menu in accordance with current EU Food Labelling Legislation
  • Allergen Labelling such as Gluten content, in accordance with the Codex Standard & New EU legislation relating to all food/beverages or meals carrying a gluten-free claim
  • Nutritional analysis/labelling & co-ordination of shelf-life analysis of artisan food products.


NutriCountTM name and logos are registered Trademarks in the Republic of Ireland (Irish Patents Office), and are owned by Niamh O’Connor.

NutriCountTM is also registered with the Companies Registration Office of Ireland (CRO registered no. 475125).